Synthesis Essay Timing Tips
Tania has found students do best when they allot these time segments.
2 Minutes: Planning
Read the prompt, underlining key words. Read it again. Write your thesis, making sure it responds to the prompt.
8 Minutes: Sources and Evidence
Glean the sources and evidence that support or undercut your message.
10 Minutes: List the elements
Make sure you note the source for each piece of evidence.
Sub-claim 1:
Sub-claim 2:
Sub-claim 3:
Now examine these elements for stronger and weaker arguments. Remove the sub-claims you don’t need.
Next, arrange your claims and evidence, along with your thesis, in an outline.
15 Minutes: Write!
Hint: You might want to steal 5 minutes from the argument essay, giving you 20 minutes to write the synthesis essay.
When he bragged about his “deductive” powers, he was actually using a far more useful tool: inductive reasoning.